Pressure measuring devices

Since 1977 SWISSLASTIC AG ST. GALLEN (formerly SALZMANN AG) is involved in the development and marketing of measuring devices for the determination of compression in functional textiles. These devices, under the brand name MST (Medical Stocking Tester) have become indispensable aids to quality control in numerous textile laboratories world-wide. Most manufacturers of sport and compression stockings use our devices in their product development and production control. The devices are exceptional due to their ease of use, thereby facilitating quick and simple measuring.

The bench top device, the MST MK V which can be used on both wooden legs (in vitro) and also human legs (in vivo) for pressure measurement is already available in the fifth generation.

The MST Professional 2 allows pressure measuring of not only support and compression stockings, but also both standard and custom-made stockings.
The youngest member of the MST family, the MST MPT-4 and MPT-7 can simultaneously measure pressures at different positions in vivo or in vitro.  


The SWISSLASTIC AG  ST. GALLEN textile laboratory has at its disposal all the different international devices available for measuring the pressure of compression stockings. This allows us to compare the various measuring methods. You can also order the measurement of your compression stockings at our laboratory, as part of our service.
